The LandingCTA
component will wrap your content in a Card.
Use the title
, description
and icon
props to customize the content of card.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success.
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
prop to false
.You can add anything you want in the default slot, a gradient or an image for example (this will render better on full-screen).
You can change the align
prop from center
to left
or right
to position the slot horizontaly.
Join us
Incididunt fugiat duis in.
title="Join us"
description="Incididunt fugiat duis in."
class="w-full rounded-md shadow-xl ring-1 ring-gray-300 dark:ring-gray-700"
Use the links
prop to add some Buttons below the description.
Trusted and supported by our amazing community
We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success.
title="Trusted and supported by our amazing community"
description="We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success."
:links="[{ label: 'Get started', color: 'gray', size: 'md' }, { label: 'Learn more', variant: 'link', color: 'gray', size: 'md', trailingIcon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-right-20-solid' }]"
This component can be put directly inside a LandingSection or a Container directly with its content fetched from @nuxt/content
title: Trusted and supported by our amazing community
description: We've built a strong, lasting partnership. Their trust is our driving force, propelling us towards shared success.
- label: 'Get started'
color: 'gray'
size: 'md'
- label: 'Learn more'
variant: 'link'
color: 'gray'
size: 'md'
trailingIcon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-right-20-solid'
files as an example here but you can use any format supported by @nuxt/content
like .md
or .json
.<script setup>
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData('index', () => queryContent('/').findOne())
<ULandingCTA v-bind="page.cta" card />